For when you wake up in "that" mood


Days I wake up with my feelings upside down or what i like to call a “poor me” morning - I enjoy entertaining the bad mood for a hot second, but ultimately know this is not where I want to park for the day.

Days are too short to walk through them pitying myself. God has blessed me with too many wonderful things to cultivate that actually matter - home, children, family, work, relationships, His assignments. And frankly, someone you meet today is having a worse day than your bad hair, kids tantrums or tight jeans day.
Here’s how I turn it around. I write or say aloud... “I will not let the enemy have my mind or my day!”

God loves me. 
God sees me. 
God hears me. 
God is with me.

I then think of one thing I’m grateful for in what has caused my bad mood.

So for me, I’m 28 weeks pregnant and swollen. I’ve worked hard not to be, but I am. So I woke up this morning frustrated in those feelings but determined not to stay there.

I am thankful my body is growing to make this healthy boy who will call me mama so soon. And I’m grateful for the swelling that comes from this growing belly. Thank you Lord for these gifts.

It’s not terrible to wake up in a bad mood. Just don’t park there. Life’s too short.

So if you woke up a little upside down today, it’s ok. God is with you to turn it around!

Devotionals for Everyday

We love using devotionals to help guide our personal quiet time!  The Bible can be daunting to navigate and learn.  That's why we are sharing our favorite devotionals and made it super easy to find the perfect one for you!  

Use this guide to all it's potential: save the page to your favorites, download and print the file, we suggest keeping it in your bible, or just screenshot the file (then it's in your photos for good!)! Next time you're needing a suggestion, you'll have it right at your fingertips. Also, we've made it easy for you to get them, just click on the title to purchase off amazon...two day shipping...Yes Please! 


Jesus Calling 

By Sarah Young
365 day devotional for each day of the year.

Great first devotional because every entry is speaking to you from God's point of view.


Jesus Always

By Sarah Young
365 day devotional for each day of the year, Embracing & finding joy! 


Walking with Christ Every Day

By Freeman Smith Men and Women's version.  

Challenges you to be a better man or woman following Christ.


My Time with God

By Joyce Meyer

Personal entries from Joyce's journal.  She has an unapologetic way of communicating God's truth.


Woman to Woman

By Joyce Meyer

Tackle real women issues with biblical teaching from Joyce.



Ending Your Day Right

By Joyce Meyer

A great way to end your day with a hopeful message for every evening of the year.

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In Touch Ministries - A FREE monthly mailer

Subscrive via the above link; select print mail

Written by Dr. Charles Stanley and includes powerful teaching of God's word.  This is a great resource if you are ready to better understand scripture. 


When Words Fail

Proverbs 31 Ministries

Learn a new book of the Bible with every study and a community to keep you accountable through the First 5 app.


New Morning Mercies

By Paul David Tripp

Truth and hope devotions for everyday of the year.  He has a great way of asking questions and challenging you to apply them to your everyday life.



By Priscilla Shirer

Excerpts from Priscilla's personal journal with God.



By Shauna Niequist

Is there an inner chef in you!  This is a great devotional full of recipes and ways to slow down and enjoy the little things in life.



By Lysa TerKeurst

Going through a time where you don't feel God is near?  This is a great devotional to know God's love right where you are.  Lysa has a special gift of writing as if it is written just for you.


Always Enough, Never too Much

By Jess Connolly & Hayley Morgan

Do you doubt your enough or worry maybe your too much?  This is a great devotional to identify what you are feeling and apply God's truth.  Also great to do with others!


Pressing Pause

By Karen Ehman & Ruth Schwenk

Moms!  Overwhelmed and need to press pause?  This devotional is written by moms and for you.  It reminds us the gift of motherhood and appreciating it in the mess.


Streams in the Desert

By L.B. Cowman, updated by Jim Reimann


Are you going through a hard season?  Are you desperate to find your stream in the desert?  These are beautiful devotions to help you during this dry season.





Daily Guideposts - 2013

Updated yearly! 


Sparkling Gems from the Greek : Vol.I

By Rick Renner

Our English Bibles can lose some of the meanings of the original Greek language during translation.  In a very easy to understand way this devotional helps you dive deeper into the underlying meanings of the Greek language.


Thirty-One Prayers for my Husband

By Jennifer Smith

Is your husband going through a season where you are tired of being the encourager and need an outlet of hope outside yourself.  Take a month and pray for your husband and see God move in his heart.



By Ruth Chou Simons

Do you desire a renewed sense of faith?  Maybe yours is a bit dry and stale or even boring. This devotional walks you through seasons of your faith so you finish with a vibrant heart after God!


Our Favorite Things

Happy July Friends! I can't even believe that we're halfway through 2018! We had so much fun sharing our favorites over on Instagram during the month of June. We've compiled the best of the best from simple things like 'mama's must haves' to favorite podcasts & devotionals! Favorite this page in your browser, screenshot to remember, make a note in your phone; however you'll remember, this page is a gem you'll want to keep for a rainy day. Below is the full resource list (WITH LINKS!!! Just click on the image) of our favorites. Here ya go, friend! 

favorite bible study

favorite devotional

favorite instagram accounts to follow

favorite scriptures

favorite bloggers

favorite Gifts to give 

favorite places in raleigh

favorite books

favorite ministries

favorite audile books

favorite podcasts 


We also have an awesome OUR FAVORITE THINGS GIVEAWAY happing now over on our Instagram - Enter HERE


Quiet Time Workshop - Raleigh

you can't run on an empty cup

And the world will tell you to fill it up with ALL. THE.  THINGS.  But here's the catch - they're all temporary and fleeting if your daily cup isn't filled with what matters most, God's Word.  It's the only thing that is constant yesterday, today and tomorrow and the foundation from where we want to live.  We had fifteen ladies join us at our first ever quiet time workshop.  We gathered, let down walls, talked everyday hurdles and exhausting to do list's to make spending time with God a priority.  We have an open table and would love for you to join us at our next one!


Our hope is to host a workshop each month, where ladies from all over can gather and go deeper! Our Summer 2018 series will be in Raleigh area shops. If you are local to us here, we so hope you will join us! 

June 21 - The Flourish Market, Raleigh
July 19 - Thanks A Latte, Holly Springs



Let's walk through Holy week together! Starting on Palm Sunday and ending with Easter - follow Jesus’ journey through scripture and pictures from my (Mary) 2015 Israel trip! I hope this helps prepare your heart for the Easter week and scripture turns from black & white to color. 

March 25 - Palm Sunday

Jesus rode from Bethany on a donkey into the city of Jerusalem while the crowds yelled Hosanna, meaning SAVE and laid out palm branches in his path.

Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
-Mark 11:9

View from Bethany of Jerusalem where Jesus began his journey into the holy city.

View from Bethany of Jerusalem where Jesus began his journey into the holy city.


March 26 - Holy Monday

Jesus cleared the temple upon His arrival into Jerusalem. He was upset because the merchants were taking advantage of the poor. 

And as he taught them, he said, Is it not written: My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations? But you have made it a den of robbers.
-Mark 11:17

March 27 - Holy Tuesday

On this day, the temple leaders challenged Jesus. Questioning him - what commandment was the most important of all?!

Jesus answered "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these."
-Mark 12:29-31

March 28 - Silent Wednesday

Though the Bible doesn't speak of what the Lord did on this day, many speculate that after two tiring days in Jerusalem, Jesus spent the day resting with his disciples in Bethany.  

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away
-Mark 13:31

March 29 - Maundy Thursday

Upper Room - The Last Supper

This is the night before Jesus' death, the night of the Last Supper - a Passover meal Jesus shared with His disciples. Jesus broke bread and offered wine - He used these objects to represent His body and blood on the cross. Jesus death on the cross was the final sacrifice for our sins, and His blood sealed the new agreement between God and us. Now all of us can come to God through Jesus, in full confidence that God will hear us and save us from our sins. 

While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take it; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, and they all drank from it. “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many,” he said to them.
-Mark 14:22-24

The Upper Room where the Last Supper was held.

The Upper Room where the Last Supper was held.


Garden of Gethsemane after dinner

Jesus and His disciples walked to the Garden of Gethsemane after dinner. Jesus become very troubled about what was to come - He went off and prayed if it was possible for this hour to pass Him by.

Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you.  Take this cup from me.  Yet not what I will, but what you will.
-Mark 14:36

Watching on as Lysa Terkeurst teaches in the Garden of Gethsemane - a garden full of beautiful olive trees.

Watching on as Lysa Terkeurst teaches in the Garden of Gethsemane - a garden full of beautiful olive trees.


March 30 - Good Friday

Via Dolorosa

On Good Friday, Pilate led a mock trial which resulted in Jesus death sentence: Crucifixion on a cross.  

Via Dolorosa is a narrow street in Jerusalem - the route Jesus took to the cross.

Via Dolorosa is a narrow street in Jerusalem - the route Jesus took to the cross.

Modern Day Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem.  

Modern Day Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem.  



The greatest love story ever written - the death of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for US!

With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last.
Mark 15:37

It is Finished
-John 19:30


Jesus was taken down from the cross and laid on a stone before his body was prepared for burial. He was then placed in a tomb sealed with a stone since it was the Sabbath.  

So Joseph bought some linen cloth, took down the body, wrapped it in the linen, and placed it in a tomb cut out of rock.  Then he rolled a stone against the entrance of the tomb.  
-Mark 15:46

The Stone of Atonement - where Jesus body was laid after being removed from the cross.

The Stone of Atonement - where Jesus body was laid after being removed from the cross.

Sign for the garden tomb.JPG

March 31 - Holy Saturday

It is the Jewish Sabbath and we wait for Sunday.

April 1 - Resurrection Sunday

Early Sunday morning they went to the tomb and discovered the large stone which was covering the tomb rolled away. When an angel appeared announcing that Jesus had risen from the dead - just as He said He would! The resurrection of Jesus means God has accepted the Savior’s sacrifice and we are now forgiven of all sins. If Jesus is still in the grave, we are still in our sins and separated from a relationship with God. But because He rose - we can live forgiven and free!

Standing at the entrance of the empty tomb.

Standing at the entrance of the empty tomb.


He has risen!  He is not here.
-Mark 16:6