Days I wake up with my feelings upside down or what i like to call a “poor me” morning - I enjoy entertaining the bad mood for a hot second, but ultimately know this is not where I want to park for the day.
Days are too short to walk through them pitying myself. God has blessed me with too many wonderful things to cultivate that actually matter - home, children, family, work, relationships, His assignments. And frankly, someone you meet today is having a worse day than your bad hair, kids tantrums or tight jeans day.
Here’s how I turn it around. I write or say aloud... “I will not let the enemy have my mind or my day!”
God loves me.
God sees me.
God hears me.
God is with me.
I then think of one thing I’m grateful for in what has caused my bad mood.
So for me, I’m 28 weeks pregnant and swollen. I’ve worked hard not to be, but I am. So I woke up this morning frustrated in those feelings but determined not to stay there.
I am thankful my body is growing to make this healthy boy who will call me mama so soon. And I’m grateful for the swelling that comes from this growing belly. Thank you Lord for these gifts.
It’s not terrible to wake up in a bad mood. Just don’t park there. Life’s too short.
So if you woke up a little upside down today, it’s ok. God is with you to turn it around!