
We believe in the power of prayer.
we serve a BIG God WHO hears BIG prayers!


Looking at the month ahead, we are focusing our hearts on prayer. Prayer is a conversation between you and God.  Nothing buttoned up, no mask on, no perfect words – a come as you are intimate chat.  I often vision myself in my coziest pajamas sitting at the feet of God.  Fully loved and fully known.  I vision my prayer time as an unpacking party for me and a packing party for God.  I unpack my heart to Him - then He packs up all the scattered pieces, so delicately, and takes them with Him.  All of them.  The big and small.  He cares and wants to be in every detail of our life.  From our getting up to our going to bed.  From the outfit we pick out to the dinner we make.  He deeply desires to walk through life with us, hand in hand, and that begins with conversation through prayer.

I begin my unpacking - maybe I’ve woken up with a horrible attitude or a funk that I cannot shake.  Or an ungrateful, selfish heart.  Maybe a heart that doesn’t even think or want to get through the day.  There are also unpacking days that include my dad having cancer, divorce, my grandmother’s death, bills I cannot pay, unimaginable betrayal, broken relationships, family struggles, heartbreaking hurts that I’ve caused, child struggling with thoughts of suicide, alcohol or pills I didn’t say no to again, an identity that is so wrapped up in what other people think - I’m left prisoner in my own skin.  Nothing is too small, too big, too silly, too shameful for the reach of God’s loving arms.  And if we think it is – we are minimizing who God is.


My unpacking party never looks the same, but the packing party is always the same.  God – constant and never changing.  Always there.  Deeply faithful.  I imagine Him as I unpack my heart, picking up the fragile pieces and carefully placing them in His suitcase one by one.  My safe place.  Always with love, always with arms wide open, always with the most tender of care.  And the best thing.  He zips up the suitcase and carries it with Him.  Never wanting me to pick it up again. 

God delights in answering our prayers.  He may be silent at times and He might not answer in the way we want it to be answered, but know one thing - He always answers them in the best way.  Now that we’ve unpacked, we can go through our days much lighter.  We don’t have to carry the burdens of our heart, our personal suitcase, because He does.

Now let’s start your unpacking!  We’ve created a circles method to help guide your daily prayer life.  Imagine a target – the inner most circle are the people you hold closest, your hardest struggles, the most intimate layer of your heart.  Pray through and unpack these with God on Monday.  Now go outwards on the target to the next circle.  This circle might include extended family, private worries, you name it.  No one’s suitcase is the same.  Pray and unpack this with God on Tuesday.  Continue outward on the target and use each circle and corresponding day to pray through your heart. Enjoy your unpacking party with God!  He is ready and waiting for you sweet friend!

Prayer Infographic.jpg

Call to me and I will answer you.
Jeremiah 33:3

The Journal of Intentional Living prayer section is designed using our prayer circles method.  Take a peek in the journal and watch an explanation via the link below. 

Be Mine, Valentine!

What a sweet day filled with LOVE

Happy Valentines day sweet friends! You are so loved by a God so much bigger than anyone or anything. I hope, you know that more then ever. 

Enjoy these Valentines with all the ones you love! 
Download or Screenshot these sweet cards to share with your gals & guy! 

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!
1 John 3:1

Intentional Living Today


As I'm sure you've seen by now, the month of February has introduced something amazing; and no, I am not talking about the chocolate and candy hearts that have filled the aisles in Target. If you follow us on social media, hopefully, you've seen the #IntentionalLivingToday challenges we've been posting. Each day, early in the morning, we're posting a 'challenge of the day'. Each one is designed to push the boundaries of your heart and lead you to love others well. Really, it's as simple as it sounds: we post, you serve!

With each new challenge, you'll notice not every task will apply to the specific season of life you're currently in: maybe it's a post geared towards moms and you don't have children, or it's focused on serving your coworkers but your only colleague is your little baby...make it your own! Allow each of the days to challenge your heart. No coworker? Love on your neighbor instead! 

Serve like Jesus...Love like Jesus. 


This little challenge is just a small part of The Journal of Intentional Living. Throughout the journal, Intentional Living Today, is a running theme. In the quiet time section, 'Intentional Living Today' is a space to set one intention, which sets your mind and heart for your day.  There is so much joy in getting your mind off of yourself and loving others.  As women, we can lay down at night, reflect on our entire day and not be able to think of one thing we did right (but oh how the thief reminds us of all we didn't do).  Not any more!  You can rest well knowing you brightened someone else's day through your intentional living.  Let this be a space to grow and challenge the boundaries of your heart comfort zone.

We'd love for you to join along with us! Each day, peek at our Instagram story to see that day's challenge. Then, at some point in your day, complete the task. If you feel led, share a picture using the hashtag #IntentionalLivingToday on your social media to let others know you're joining in. We are expectant that God will work big in our hearts this month. 


Heavenly Father,

You sent your Son to serve. You sent Him to give His life for me. Let that same spirit of service and love awaken in me. Let me not seek gain, instead show me how to let others go before me. Make me humble, so I can give my life away like Jesus: willfully, obediently, and faithfully.



Hey Friends!!

Peak at the backdrop of the main stage...looks like ours, Laura is ahead of the design trends!

How good it feels to be home; baby & puppy snuggles were definitely missed! If you've been following along with us this past week, you'll know we've gotten our foot in the door with retailers across the country at AmericasMart, a huge trade show in Atlanta, that retailers attend & purchase items for their stores. There are so many treasures to be found, and let me tell you, we found them! The Living Joy team met amazing new friends, learned a TON and laughed even more. Our goal when planning what our space would look like was to bring a breath of fresh air to a place of busy & that's exactly what we did! 


Thinking about going yourself as a wholesaler?

Here's our list of 11 things you NEED to know before you go... 

1 - COMFY SHOES! COMFY SHOES! COMFY SHOES! Let me scream this one from the rooftops! You're doing a lot of standing/walking, so those dogs will be barking if you don't wear the right shoe! 

2 - BE PREPARED: It comes and goes so quick. We were ready for Market about a month ahead. We had everything we needed & were ready to set up. Plan, make a list, & plan some more (& make another list, lol). Having everything ready to go allowed our setup to be really quick and easy. We had our booth design & everything we needed to make it happen way in advance. So, once the day arrived to put it all together, it was a breeze! 

3 - GET A HOTEL CLOSE BY. We stayed a little less than a mile away, and this was wonderful. However, since we had some bad weather, walking was not possible. My hubs, Greg, was such a trooper & drove us right up to the door each morning. There are connecting hotels that allow you to just walk through a tunnel & you're there, we'll do this next time!

4 - HAVE A TALKING POINT. We had pens, really pretty pens, made prior to the show. This + our information pamphlet (with all our info on it) was an amazing way to catch peoples attention. It was an easy way to better serve potential retailers. Also, sweet Mary Blair passed them out in the freezing cold, bringing those in who might not have passed by otherwise. 

5- BE INTUITIVE. I am a HUGE rule follower. Like, HUGE! However, there are always ways around guidelines. Making time (& your team) work in your favor allows for quicker setup & tear down. Instead of waiting hours to load and unload our uhaul, we took a few trips with our hand truck which was parked in a nearby lot; pure genius.

6 - LAUGH MUCH! Man, I wish you could have been a fly on the wall in our hotel room. Now looking back, I'm not sure if it was the lack of sleep or the pure comic genius each of is, but the Living Joy team did NOT stop laughing. 


7 - BRING GOOD FRIENDS: Yall, my sweet hubs, best friend & our LJ creative director joined forces together and rocked this week; and what a crew we were! Seriously, Mary Blair (my bff) & Laura became besties! Not only did this make the trip more enjoyable, but these three are passionate about what Living Joy stands for. Their hearts are in it for the long run. God worked through the Living Joy team. They served like Jesus! It's true what they say, time flies by when you're having fun.

8 - MAKE GOOD FRIENDS! & we really did! There are so many others bringing the Lord to the marketplace, and this brings me such joy. It's encouraging to know that we are not alone in this fight. Our business is not for our flesh, but for eternity; we are growing the kingdom one journal, tee shirt, tattoo & card at a time!  Our hearts are all about community; look for a post soon about who we met.

9 - WOMEN NEED QUIET TIME. Now, I know I'm extra passionate about quiet time, after all, that's what pushed me to start LJ in the first place; but, if there is one thing you take away from this is that YOU WILL NEED TIME AWAY. 10 hour days are no joke. It's like you have to "be on" and ready to go at all times. It is physically and mentally draining. Time alone with Jesus is needed. Take time away with Him. Trust me, you'll thank me later! #RestInHim

10 - EAT WELL! Next to coffee, there is only one thing that's a must: ya gotta eat! Why not eat well! Here's a list of our favorite bites in downtown ATL:

- Antico - the BEST brick oven pizza (& I LOVE brick oven...this stuff is good!)
- STATS - "Voted the best sports bar in ATL" for a reason! Such good food, even better beer. It was a great way to catch up on the NFL playoffs! Get the hummus, you won't regret it! Also, they have beer taps on the tables, how fun is that!
Max's - Because pizza once a week is never enough! This time it was cooked in a coal oven...& it was soooo yummy.
- Polaris - This restaurant is atop a hotel; it spins around the city & with 360-degree views of ATL & such delicious food, this is a must. 

11 - IT'S ALL IN GOD'S HANDS. After all, we were at Market to sell our journals to retailers. My one hope for the show was to see if others were receptive to the idea of our journal. I know I love it, but would others? & they did! It makes my heart happy to know other women desire to walk alongside Living Joy to bring simplicity & intention to time with Jesus. I am so excited to announce we are in 10 states & over 20 retailers! 

take a peek inside our booth

Until next time ATL,


Let Us (Re)Introduce Ourselves!


Hello! You may have stumbled on this through a happy accident or maybe you've been a "Living Joy" lover for a while now! Either way, I am so glad you're here! 2018 is going to be a big year for us here at LJ & I am so excited to see it all unfold. We've spent time planning, preparing, and praying over this company & are expectant that The Lord's hands are in it all! If you've never heard of Living Joy & you've come to learn more, welcome! If you've gone through a journal (or two!) already & are excited to get your hands on another copy, welcome back! 

The Journal of Intentional Living was created with each and every woman in mind. Mom, grandmother, daughter, has intentionally been designed to meet women right where they are in life & encourage their quiet time with God. We believe that, just like any relationship, God desires time spent with Him, focused on intimacy and growth.  


The journal is broken into eight different sections. All the times you need a journal: quiet times, church, bible study, its all in one space! No more shuffling through church bulletins and sticky-notes to remember that important thought you jotted down! 

I can hardly wait to share more about The Journal of Intentional Living with you! Joining our newsletter gets you a front row seat to everything we're up to (all the good stuff!) and special resources designed to grow your relationship with The Lord! I'm glad you're here!


