As I'm sure you've seen by now, the month of February has introduced something amazing; and no, I am not talking about the chocolate and candy hearts that have filled the aisles in Target. If you follow us on social media, hopefully, you've seen the #IntentionalLivingToday challenges we've been posting. Each day, early in the morning, we're posting a 'challenge of the day'. Each one is designed to push the boundaries of your heart and lead you to love others well. Really, it's as simple as it sounds: we post, you serve!
With each new challenge, you'll notice not every task will apply to the specific season of life you're currently in: maybe it's a post geared towards moms and you don't have children, or it's focused on serving your coworkers but your only colleague is your little baby...make it your own! Allow each of the days to challenge your heart. No coworker? Love on your neighbor instead!
Serve like Jesus...Love like Jesus.
This little challenge is just a small part of The Journal of Intentional Living. Throughout the journal, Intentional Living Today, is a running theme. In the quiet time section, 'Intentional Living Today' is a space to set one intention, which sets your mind and heart for your day. There is so much joy in getting your mind off of yourself and loving others. As women, we can lay down at night, reflect on our entire day and not be able to think of one thing we did right (but oh how the thief reminds us of all we didn't do). Not any more! You can rest well knowing you brightened someone else's day through your intentional living. Let this be a space to grow and challenge the boundaries of your heart comfort zone.
We'd love for you to join along with us! Each day, peek at our Instagram story to see that day's challenge. Then, at some point in your day, complete the task. If you feel led, share a picture using the hashtag #IntentionalLivingToday on your social media to let others know you're joining in. We are expectant that God will work big in our hearts this month.