I recently walked through a season my energy didn’t match its demands, my feelings weren’t dependable, fear was overwhelming, comparison had me down and I wanted direction from God but I wasn’t hearing anything.
So I turned down a few things:
Social Media
Self worth from productivity
Negative self talk
Excessive thinking
And I turned up a few other things:
Conversations with God
Worship music
Self care
Learning - podcasts and online courses
The enemy wanted to steal this time. I could have so easily stayed in this restless place, watering the seeds the enemy was planting and missing the joys right in front of me. Instead, God interceded in the sweetest ways and redirected me to the abundant life He wants us to live Monday thru Sunday. But I had to turn down some things and replace them with better things for Him to do His best work.
Maybe the enemy is trying to steal your day?
What do you need to turn down? What do you need to turn up?